Upload my document(s)

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You can now upload your document(s) to attach to your ongoing application anywhere, anytime.

Enter your email used when you applied with us.

Type and search for your
Application number sent
to your email (eg. APPL-XXXXX)

The name of the programme that you are applying for

Note for all uploads:

Please upload only 
certified and verified copy for Identification documents.
To know more what documents must be certified, click here.

You can upload either 'pdf' or 'jpg' file format.

To convert your document to 'pdf' file, click the link below, then upload it here.
Convert your file to pdf

Upload section
Before you upload, please read MIT's privacy notice, which is available on the Te Pūkenga website.


Personal information collected on this form and at other times during and relating to your enrolment at MIT is subject to MIT’s privacy notice.

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